Friday, June 1, 2007


Thank you for your positive comments concerning my admonishment of Mr. SERIN. I am glad it was well received.

I did not expect him to take my call. The reason I called in was that the TalkShoe Live client kept giving me a choppy audio feed, and I noticed from last night that one does not have this problem over the telephone.

Now, concerning my accent:

I listed to my voice on both talkcasts, and even I have trouble recognizing it. This is probably because I called TalkShoe using Vonage on its "lowest quality setting," and it also appears that TalkShoe further compresses the audio stream. (To give a reference point, you may wish to compare Mr. SERIN's voice on the Suze Orman show with his voice on the talkcast. They are barely similar.)

You might also have guessed that TalkShoe normalizes the sound volume, as evidenced by my final statements to Mr. SERIN. The end result in the TalkShoe download was much, much quieter.

In closing, I am glad you enjoyed it -- and I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to my neighbors. Not only does Mr. SERIN make home ownership more difficult for them, but they also had to listen to me berate him.

I remain,



Akubi said...

Murst! Offline most of the day and just heard it. ROFL.

JohnDiddler said...

oh man you lost it. delicious. GET THE HELL OF THE INTERNET. GET A JOB.

Anonymous said...


i greatly appreciate you taking MR. SERIN to task last night. Clearly it seems as if MR. SERIN's family does not have the ability to do so. Props.


segfault said...

Good job. You should create a MySpace profile and add Mr. SERIN as a friend so that we may be kept apprised of his activities.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sorry, I can't help myself...when it comes to you..."M. Insane". I just had to find you and say this to you so that you won't EVER repeat it again(its for your own good btw). Consider this as an addendum to my "final post on EN.

"M. Stupiassingh", you sounded like a lunatic on KC's talkcast june 1st 2007!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... I still can't stop laughing whenever I think about it. You are soooooooooooo typical of how I imagine a KC hater would be like in real life. you proved my point. Congratulation...YOU are actually THE poster child of the "haterz"...hehehehehehehehe.

Pleaseeeeeeeeee don't let people fool you and best of all DON'T FOOL YOURSELF by thinking otherwise!!!


Come on y'all...even the haterz...this dude GOTTA be crazy!!! I can't even type cuz I'm laughing so hard.
"M. Sinile", You knowwwwwwww exactly what I am saying...that is why you wrote this test the see if your secret is out. Hehehehehehehehe...I can't...I can't even type... . Heheheheheheehehe... . You...get some help...why did you get off your psychotrophics??? Now its gonna take another two weeks to get back to a "therapeutic" level.

Its good you're a "shut in" so we don't have to worry about you "out there". Even if you don't post my comment...just as long as you get help soon!!! hehehehehehehehehe... .

Aspeth said...

Hey, Mocha, I sincerely hope that after you wake up from your night of clubbing and anonymous sex (the post time on your comment looks like you wrote it after you were booted out of someone's bed this morning) that you read the little note I left you on my blog.

Anonymous said...

I am no fan of Casey, but your little tirade struck me as hyperventilating and shrill. Especially the part where you lost your shit and shouted at him. Show some fucking maturity. Are you some 15 year old masturbator who lives in his parents basement?

Anonymous said...

That was beautiful. Thanks M. Singh!
BTW are you from FFC?

Anonymous said...

But M. Singh,

You ARE a weirdo. You MUST know this. You don't? OK, go back and listen to yourself again on that talkcast. This time without your mother screaming in the hallway for you to "CLEAN YOUR ROOM!!!!!!"

Anonymous said...

Casey needed a good spankin

Akubi said...

Unfortunately, there seemed to be a problem with the voting mechanism on the 6 Degrees of Casey Serin™ to Chairman Mao Win-Win Winner! It seems to be fixed now if you’d care to try again...
BTW, Anon, I like weirdos.

CHJTS said...

M. singh

I read the other comments. Most of the people are pussies that have to use anonymous and not a moniker for people to know atleast who they are.

Now I have had a couple days to digest that last podcast (and thank god 2 days to get the shrill voice of mocha out of my head).

And I have come to the conclusion that what you did is exactly what casey needed.

It is sad that he ever let himself get to the point to where he needed a contract, an intervention and a hater screaming at him on a talkcast.

He was so far gone that everyones patience was gone right along with him. The only way to get through to him is on the level of screaming at him.

You did him a favor and even though some people dont see it as that, you actually helped him by driving home the severity of where he is.

Akubi said...

Dude, you need more groovy widgets.

Akubi said...

Vista doesn't allow me to add all of the widgets I want to on my non-award winning blog! Imagine that...
Miss hearing from you, btw.